RHC Special Projects 

Treating the Sick | Empowering Communities



Expand Hope

 Expand Hope Campaign has a $ 4.5 Million USD goal to triple the capacity and equip WMC to be a comprehensive community hospital with modern surgery and diagnostic strengths. We intended to break ground in mid-2023.

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Cornerstone Medical Center Upgrade

Cornerstone Medical Centre phase 111 estimated at 100,000 USD to equip CMC at level 3.


Facilities upgrade to level 3

Consolidate Mulete community medical center, Bethany Clinic and Suubi  Medical Center as Health Centre III level.  


New level III Medical centers

Create plans for new level III medical centres in fast growing rural towns lacking these facilities (Est 250K USD each). 


Africa Renewal Medical School

The dream of Africa Renewal Medical School remains in our prayers as we develop the health system that will be part of the training network.
