Mulete Medical Camp

Registrations are closed

Averaging over 10,000 free treatments annually, our medical missions program continues to thrive, bringing care and empowering local and international teams and individuals to give through medical care. Medical camps attract medical and non-medical people serving together Medical Missions also include linking highly specialized individuals to hospitals in Uganda where their skills can be utilized.

Medical Missions Calendar 

 Averaging over 10,000 free treatments annually, our medical missions program continues to thrive, bringing care and empowering local and international teams and individuals to give through medical care. Medical camps attract medical and non-medical people serving together Medical Missions also include linking highly specialized individuals to hospitals in Uganda where their skills can be utilized.


Date & Time
November 1, 2022
Start - 11:00 AM
November 4, 2022
End - 11:35 AM Africa/Kampala


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Renewal HealthCare

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